Ep #22: Expanding Consciousness though body based practices

Ep #22: Expanding Consciousness though body based practices

Show notes

In this episode, Nisarga Eryk Dobosz hosts Steph Magenta.

Steph Magenta is the founder of Seven Directions® Breathwork Training. She is a shamanic practitioner, Oxygen Advantage Advanced graduate, and a Shift Network faculty host and course presenter. She is also trained in Betty Martin’s wheel of consent work and TRE practice. 

Steph places great importance on the integration aspect of any somatic practices which have the potential to elicit significant change or breakthrough for the person experiencing the work. Her background in substance misuse and addiction research and sexual freedom activism informs her grounded, heart centred and trauma aware approach to the practice of breathwork and embodiment awareness. 

She is proud mother of three, an advocate of cold and sauna exposure, and an avid football fan! 

Find Steph: https://stephmagenta.com https://sevendirectionsbreathwork.com https://instagram.com/sevendirectionsbreathwork



Steph Magenta

Steph Magenta

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Nisarga Eryk Dobosz

Nisarga Eryk Dobosz

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